(6 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

etmaster.idsoftware.com uses protocol number 84 not 10, everything work fine, thanks!


(6 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Hey, thanks for response smile

OK, so now I will know how to read the data but still I have no idea why I can get no response from master server (it's master.rtcwcoop.com:27950 doesn't it?). The data I send is:

0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff g e t s e r v e r s 0x00

if I change message from getservers to i.e. getinfo and query any game server I can get info successfully, but from master there is no response... hmm There is something wrong in message or what? More strange is that if I send wrong message to any game server I have response "disconnected", but from master I havren't any hmm

EDIT: ahh, I finally noticed what ur message is:

0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff g e t s e r v e r s   1  0   f u l l    e m p t y 0x00

It seems that I missed magic "10", I read somewhere that stands for protocol version or sth like that.

Actually master.rtcwcoop.com seems to be down so I tried to read data from etmaster.idsoftware.com, I have response but it seems to be sth like xff xff xff xff getserversResponse\ (zeros zeros zeros). I don't know why yet but I hope I will figure it out.

Thanks again smile


There was a litte lie, I didn't read only zeros.

I read exactly: xff xff xff xff getserversResponse\000000\EOT
So my server list was hmm I hope I will get better list with master.rtcwcoop.com when it will be up again.

Hello smile

I wonder how to query rtcwcoop master server? Is there any specification/documentation about that? Is uses TCP connection or just UDP datagrams? What should I put in data of packet? How to read response of server?

After some research I have more information but still need help.

My point is, that I would like to write some kind of free cross-platform game server browser in Java and I need a little help.
I know how to query servers when I have server ip and I know how to read response. But unfortunately I can get no response from master server so I can't get ip list. Maybe I'm opening socket on wrong port or sth? What should I do to receive any response? Any help?