I believe the SSAO is a known issue but I'll forward it on to the developer who wrote it. (I personally never had any crash from it though I don't play with it on either)
* sometimes music hangs and does not continue again if not force map restart a la forever loop
I rarely get this (I only recall having it happen once) but a /vid_restart or /s_stop; snd_restart should correct it.
* panzer has rapid fire, making it venom-like effective
I'll check it..Not sure I saw this one but I might only use panzer once or twice in the whole game.
I saw some weird blocked path, in one of the buildings with the secret cellar stairs. There is ammo for MP40 on the ground between wine barrels; because column you cant reach the ammo and pick it up, too tight hah
I think there were some item placements that you had to hit the button to pick up.
Unrelated to 1.02 bugs and maybe should have put it in common bugs: if you keep shooting at a dead enemies' bodies', you still gather points like you are killing them over and over again in an endless way. Happens randomly.
I'll see if I can reproduce this. Possibly due to health assignment or something. It takes so much health to kill an enemy and another additional amount to gib it. Maybe the gib value is high. In any case I'll see if I can verify hits after death won't be registered for points.
Apply Video button
Will check on this too.