(20 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

After a long 2 year wait, version 1.0.2 is now available for all platforms.

There are a ton of updates since the last version mostly within the engine itself but also some game fixes as well.

You can grab the files right now from Github:

Will also upload files to mirror servers shortly as well as a list of changes.



(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

The drawing system is based on 640x480 coordinates system and is scaled from there.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

{WeB}*GANG$TA* wrote:

The only thing I've noticed, as you change from map to map, is that the loading screen has reverted to a 4:3 apect ratio, like so: http://i.imgur.com/PLyBy0U.jpg

That's the correct aspect ratio for the level shots (4:3 is what the game was designed for ). That's what cg_fixedAspect does...corrects the aspect (i.e. not stretched)


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

{WeB}*GANG$TA* wrote:

I removed the HD pack, but the problem persisted. I then removed the unfinished "RtCW SP" missions that we were converting to cooperative and tried again and everything seems fine so far. I remember with one of those missions we had skybox and shader problems, that's why we still haven't finished it.

Anyway, I'll start again, with the "cg_fixedAspect 2" enabled and see what results I get.

Cool. Thanks!


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

cg_fixedAspect 2 is not required but one of the things I'm looking for issues with.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Bloom is only for use with OpenGL1. It's not implemented/needed in rend2.

Are you using some kind of texture pack because I don't see any issue like that with the skyboxes?
If so, see if it happens without the pack.
If not, paste a copy of your wolfconfig.coop.cfg file.

Spawning in walls, etc. happens with autosave sometimes.

Why are you not using cg_fixedAspect 2 with that res?


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

New test build...TEST 3: … -win64.zip

Same guidelines as previous builds.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

{WeB}*GANG$TA* wrote:

One problem, I can't disconnect from the ECGN server when pressing the "exit" bar. I have to use "task manager" and manually shut the game down instead.

Fixed the Exit game menu...

You don't have to use task manager to exit anyway...Open console and type: /quit


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Rend2 has higher system requirements. It will probably always perform a little slower than the old renderer.

The gold lines are just how the assets are and can't be included with releases anyway since they are not part of the GPL source code or the mod SDK. Leaving the space near the logo  is just the trade off of making the menu extend to the ends of the screen.
This won't be changed. If someone wants to make a new asset for it, great.

I didn't see any issue using the manual spawnpoint saves.

The rest of that stuff should be fixed.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

2nd test version addressing the issues posted earlier. (except panzer-venom thing which I didn't know how to reproduce)
Reworked system menu and options, etc.

Win64 … -win64.zip

As mentioned earlier, Pure Server Off, delete any dll files you might have in Documents/RTCWCoop/coopmain.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Is the 3 a typo on your part?

There is no cg_fixedAspect 3

I'll check the menu alignment though.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Did you use the cg_fixedAspect cvar at all? I'm also interested in HUD items that may be misplaced when using this.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I believe the SSAO is a known issue but I'll forward it on to the developer who wrote it. (I personally never had any crash from it though I don't play with it on either)

* sometimes music hangs and does not continue again if not force map restart a la forever loop
I rarely get this (I only recall having it happen once) but a /vid_restart or /s_stop; snd_restart should correct it.

* panzer has rapid fire, making it venom-like effective
I'll check it..Not sure I saw this one but I might only use panzer once or twice in the whole game.

I saw some weird blocked path, in one of the buildings with the secret cellar stairs. There is ammo for MP40 on the ground between wine barrels; because column you cant reach the ammo and pick it up, too tight hah

I think there were some item placements that you had to hit the button to pick up.

Unrelated to 1.02 bugs and maybe should have put it in common bugs: if you keep shooting at a dead enemies' bodies', you still gather points like you are killing them over and over again in an endless way. Happens randomly.

I'll see if I can reproduce this. Possibly due to health assignment or something. It takes so much health to kill an enemy and another additional amount to gib it. Maybe the gib value is high. In any case I'll see if I can verify hits after death won't be registered for points.

Apply Video button
Will check on this too.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

/cl_renderer rend2; vid_restart <- new
/cl_renderer opengl1; vid_restart <- old


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

https://github.com/iortcw/iortcw/blob/m … -readme.md

https://github.com/iortcw/iortcw/blob/m … -cvars.txt <- This is slightly out of date...Just reference for some default values, etc.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Are you using the new renderer or the old?


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Great. Thanks.

I did play through most of it but I tend to get sidetracked looking into issues, etc.
Also played 6 or 7 maps yesterday with 5 or so people on the server.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Sorry for the delay. Wanted to get some more fixes in there before putting the test version out.

Download here: … -win64.zip

Make sure you run with Pure server turned off in the menu and also delete any dll files you might have the in My Documents/RTCWCoop/coopmain folder.

I am going to update the ECGN server and run it unpure if you want to test on a live server.

Changes (for your reading enjoyment):

This syncs up with all the fixes from iortcw (up to current 1.51b branch) like the widescreen fixed aspect stuff, more resolutions, etc.
This would coincide with releases 1.42b, 1.42d, 1.5a, 1.51. Really too many changes and fixes to list here but overview of each below.

http://www.ecgnetwork.co/forum/viewtopi … mp;t=26451
http://www.ecgnetwork.co/forum/viewtopi … mp;t=26522
http://www.ecgnetwork.co/forum/viewtopi … mp;t=26627
http://www.ecgnetwork.co/forum/viewtopi … mp;t=26686

Also added vote flags to limit types of votes available on server, etc.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I'm looking for help testing before putting this out.

I don't want to wait too long to get this out but I don't want it out with new bugs either.

Let me know what platform you're using and I'll package it up if needed.


(50 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I'll probably be putting out a release in the coming days to get the engine up to date.

There is a bunch of new stuff since 1.0.1 and addresses some security issues.

More to come.


(15 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I've been occassionally sync'ing engine updates but haven't had much time to work on game play bugs.


(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

FYI...New version brewing


(12 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Coop has higher requirements because it's loading the MP pk3's too.

Running on a original Raspberry Pi is probably not going work or will be unplayable.

RaspberryPi 2 may work somewhat but it wasn't really test with coop.


(21 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

What Desktop/Window Manager is it?
What SDL version do you have?

Did you try deleting/renaming your config to generate a fresh one?


(21 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Try a fresh config?

Proprietary driver should support the stuff that is showing errors in console.

You can try r_hdr 0 as well.

Not sure since you gave hardly any info about your setup other than the OS.