(24 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Hey all..
Is there any chance make minimap more like ET have and is it possible put every fireteam member different color mark its not easy to follow now who is who...
And thx for 0.9.4 its great to play that game now.

I get that same error when i dl coop but there is readme. file at your coop folder and there is help for your problem.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Coop

* Installation:

- Copy all your rtcw pk3 files (mp_*.pk3, sp_*.pk3 and pak0.pk3) inside the main folder of this archive.
- Above is important, don't mix this with your current rtcw installation. You have to play this game as a complete new game.
- Double click rtcwcoop.exe and the game will start.
- Click the 'cooperative game' menu item to create a game or to connect to an existing game.
- You can open the console by pressing shift-escape.
- The source code for this project can be found at: http://code.google.com/p/bzzwolfsp/

- The latest documentation can be found here: https://code.google.com/p/bzzwolfsp/w/list

- Join our forum on http://forum.rtcwcoop.com/

When i copy all rtcw pk3 files (mp_*.pk3, sp_*.pk3 and pak0.pk3) its start work


(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I have that problem after many maps and error text is diffrent almost every time. Usually when get disconnect only one player stay server all others are kicked.


(13 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I must also thank. It's been a really positive surprise keep up the good work ....