(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Yes, exactly. Perhaps on Nightmare level will be lot of MP40, but other guns will be in a sufficient quantity smile


(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Yes, but sometimes it's only one weapon on the map, then same ammo is useless...


(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

The only troublesome thing in cooperative gameplay is the need to share found items with your friends... items assigned for one person. Yes, sometimes additional ammo is deployed, but when you play with more than three players, some of them (especially with higher ping ;p) must be satisfied with starting equipment.
How about that: If the one person picks up the gun or ammo, other players received content of this item too. Example, in the Forest Compound would be several snooper rifles, what a power. big_smile
I don't know whether that solution is code complicated, but always is worth to suggest some idea.


(62 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Next one. In the escape2 is more action!
Edit: Here's updated version of escape1.


(62 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

1) Yes, it's faded because I based it on a original loading screens from RtCW multiplayer. There you will have the same color style. I thought it was a good reference to Wolfenstein MP tradition.
2) Loading screen doesn't mean the same as a connecting screen. Map snapshot shows up AFTER connection info and You can't combine these two things - of course, without code changes.


(62 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

What do you think about this kind of loading screen?


I know that isn't quite on topic, but i didn't want to post new thread.


(2 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

First, I must say that you project is one of the greatest things that could happen to RtCW fans! Who of us hasn't dreamed about together wandering around Wolfenstein castle... smile I also believe that COOP will live because of your hard work (game modding is not foreign to me - I know how much effort you put into it) and growing community.

OK, to the point - is it possible to add the crosshair while third person look is working? I think this gadget can prove to be quite playable with some improvements.