Topic: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

Hi. I'm co-admin of The Challenger server. We spend a lot of time researching methods of making game harder and harder to piss off casual players (and give an orgasm to pro players who loves it). We use ton of various methods, including source diving and stuff. During hardening game, we find a lot of bugs, problems and methods to solve it. Usually we just keep that for us, but we want to help a bit with RTCW COOP development, so we'll share what we found (and what is useful for something else than killing players).

Let's start with map 'end'. Jouhan works on new version of this one and he meet some problems - namely, everyone fights each other, new supersoldiers attacks zombies and Heinrich etc. That sucks. They should kill players, not themselves.

Here's how You solved that problem (one example):


        starting_health 500
        aim_accuracy 0.6
        aggression 1.0
        camper 0.0
        tactical 0.0
        reaction_time 1.0
        aim_skill 1.0

        wait 5
        statetype alert
        knockback off
//        playanim asleep both forever
        attack player

        gotocast player
        attack player

When "problematic" unit notices enemy (like supersoldier notices Heinrich), it's forced to follow player and attack him. It works, that's cool, but why it sucks: "player" in COOP always mean "first player on server" (one with lowest ID). It's awkward and makes map easier. Well, not for first player on server, but You know what I mean.

Reason of problem. Here's part of RTCW code:

typedef enum
        AITEAM_ENDMAPBOSS, // end.bsp sets "aiteam" "4" for the zombies and bosses (heinrich and friends) at the end of the map
} AITeam_t;

When You add new axis (or zombie) unit, it's automagically assigned to AITEAM_MONSTER or AITEAM_NAZI, following default value from ai_cast_characters.c:

        "Super Soldier",
            170,        // running speed
            100,        // walking speed
            90,         // crouching speed
            90,         // Field of View
            150,        // Yaw Speed
            0.0,        // leader
            0.7,        // aim skill
            1.0,        // aim accuracy
            0.9,        // attack skill
            0.6,        // reaction time
            0.05,       // attack crouch
            0.0,        // idle crouch
            1.0,        // aggression
            0.0,        // tactical
            0.0,        // camper
            16000,      // alertness
            300,        // starting health
            1.0,        // hearing scale
            0.9,        // not in pvs hearing scale
            512,        // relaxed detection radius
            2.0,        // pain threshold multiplier
            "superSoldierSilentDeath",  //----(SA)    added
            "superSoldierFlameDeath", //----(SA)    added
            "superSoldierStay",     // stay - you're told to stay put
            "superSoldierFollow",   // follow - go with ordering player ("i'm with you" rather than "yes sir!")
            "superSoldierOrdersDeny", // deny - refuse orders (doing something else)
        BBOX_LARGE, {48,64},
        NULL, NULL, NULL,

So new units will usually have team #0 (axis) or team #2 (monsters / zombies / stuff). But, all units that existed on orginal RTCW 'end' map are assigned to AITEAM_ENDMAPBOSS:

$ strings end.bsp | grep -A6 -B6 aiteam | head -n12
"origin" "576 738 186"
"target" "t608"
"targetname" "killknights"
"classname" "target_relay"
"skin" "dark"
"angle" "270"
"aiteam" "4"
"origin" "544 674 66"
"spawnflags" "1"
"ainame" "dark4"
"targetname" "dark4"
"classname" "ai_warzombie"
$ strings end.bsp | grep '"aiteam" "4"' | wc -l

Here's .ents key "aiteam" that is not used anywhere in orginal .ents files but was used in .bsp files and is defined in source code. You can use it to assign AIs to one of existing teams. So all You have to do is to add

"aiteam" "4"

to .ents of each AI You add. And remove that 'attack player' stuff. Let them rock!

We also have DoS exploit and some other stuff but we want to share it via PM. To who we should send it?

--- The Challenger ---

2 (edited by TheSlow 2014-05-04 03:49:40)

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

Almost forgot. After assigning everyone to AITEAM_ENDMAPBOSS, and removing that part from Heinrich's code:

        attack player

it should also stop bug that makes ghosts attack first player on server over and over again even if he just afks on spawn

And we have peace and party hard!

--- The Challenger ---

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

Hey! Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay.

Great find and detailed explanation. Some parts of End map got fixed for the new beta. But it is not very good yet. I dont remember which. The thing about first player is still bugging atleast. I was not aware of this. It is not easy to test alone. But I will go through this aiteam issue.

I am glad you shared it. Thank you! Happy games!

Fretn is the Project Leader:

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

I had account already, I even wrote one post, but then I totally forgot password and I had fake mail in profile.

I send informations about that mini DoS exploit to You and Fretn.

--- The Challenger ---

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

great !

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

just send me a private message and we'll talk about it !


Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

Hey Slow, great to see you here at RtCW Coop cool . I remember fraggin' on your server, it was the "Tram" map, with Boss1 waiting in the room for you and Uber Soldats on the tram, as it approached the tram bay yikes .

Superb fun smile .

8 (edited by TheSlow 2014-05-05 23:48:41)

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

@Fretn, I already send PM (or rather mail, looks like we have PMs disabled here). I'll send it again now. I hope we have some sendmail / exim4 / stuff on server to handle mail().

@GMan, it was first modified map on Challenger. We tested things here, learning from orginal .ai, .script and .ents files and source code, without any tutorials or even Radiant (we didn't know where we can find such stuff). Orginal concept of Challenger's "Jouhan Styled" Tram is even more funny. Map is unmodified (just that additional enemies from highest COOP options), but You start in second tower with knife only. You have to figure out how to turn power on and finish map. That's comparable even to DAM. We think about replacing current Tram with this version.

(no, really, that verison of Tram is epic quest, just may be too cruel for casual players who doesn't have time and will for research, tests and dying 100000 times)

--- The Challenger ---

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

You know there is a mapping tutorial now? That tell pretty much anything needed to know. smile

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

TheSlow: sorry the email ended up in my spam folder, didn't see it ! (yes pm's are disabled)

Re: The Challenger Research Center Bugsolving

@-SSF-Sage, we don't need it now, after all that "manual" research and tests. We already know it all, not including point 5.2 (thanks, it'll be handy). It's great - peoples will learn and make new stuff.

--- The Challenger ---