I made a new server. The server (map) starts with this message MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS exceeded. Someone very wise help ? I love RTCW
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there are 4 pub players on 9 available servers. (While there are 3 private servers running)
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I made a new server. The server (map) starts with this message MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS exceeded. Someone very wise help ? I love RTCW
We get this grief all the time on our Wolfenstein Enemy Territory ETPub server, Olivia, we still haven't solved the problem. However, we've never experienced this on our RtCW Cooperative server and we use lots of custom maps and incorporate RtCW Venom Mod too for the HD weapons and uniforms.
I'm sure one of the RtCW Coop team will help you, they will probably need to see what error report your server generates when it crashes.
I think it is to do with having too much custom content loaded.
Here is a quote from Etlegacy site:
Configstrings or the configstring
The configstring internally controls the game and is splitted into single configstrings. Configstrings are strings containing data related to the game and game state. These are set on the server, and automatically sent to each client.
Each configstring is identified by a number, which is referenced by a #defined in the ET gamecode - see game/bg_public.h. A group of related configstrings up to 64 such as CS_MODELS, CS_PLAYERS usually have a symbolic name for the first value, with a number (entity number in the case of CS_PLAYERS) added to to get a particular value.
Important to know:
Each connected player adds about 140 chars to the configstring
pk3 files on the server are part of the configstring (admins shouldn’t put more than 20 maps into etmain folder)
Server side forced cvars are part of the configstring!
Fireteams reserve configstrings (this is the most case for ingame MAX GAMESTATECHARS EXCEEDED error + object trigger info)
When using colors 2 additional chars are added (player names, announcements etc)
This happens when the configstrings size - the configstring in total - reaches the limit of 16000 chars. This bug is heavily dependant on how many maps/pk3 files are in path because all pk3s in path (fs_homepath and fs_basepath) are stored in the CS_SYSTEMINFO (see cmd: "csinfo 1") twice. By name and by checksum.
It’s also dependant on how a map is designed and which settings are done by an admin (see above part "Important to know")
Shorten the strings - all names! This starts with the name of your map or the name of the pk3 and ends with file names.
In general keep names of any game objects short! The configstring is related to admin settings but also considers used names for objects of the map.
The Legacy mod has got an additional command to get the size of the configstring. Console "csinfo" cmd will print the total size of the configstrings. You can also add a parameter to this command to print the content and size of a single configstring "csinfo 1".
Trigger names and names in *.script and *.sound files
Ensure trigger names aren’t too long. See CS_OID_TRIGGERS part in the configstring.
New assets
Whenever you add new assets or objects: Use short names.
For names of:
Shader definitions
Files (sound, models)
Finally if there are less chars in the configstrings the server has less data to communicate!
How to see what’s inside the string?
In ET main you can use the /configstrings server cmd to get some info about the string. Some mods have special commands. In legacy mod or NQ f.e. there is /csinfo or /csinfo <configstring_No>.
Source: … imizations
If this does not help. Please post console log on server crash, your server config and tell us what custom content is included.
Thank you all for everything .It was a very simple matter. Too much pk3 files I did own server with their own maps and all the maps I packed to pk3 file. Now I have more than 20 pk3 files in the folder coopmain, because the game is not working. How to leave less than 20 pk3 files game WORK !!! It's a pity because RTCW COOP has 24 maps I greet all the fans RTCW. Olivia aka Angsthase
I would be forgotten in version 0.9.5 everything worked properly.Now in version 1.0.1 appears aforementioned error. Once again cordial greetings to all the fans RTCW, you are great
Welcome, siema bratu!
Jouhan Ahoj, vítam Vás srdečne. Nezabudnite na staré dobré časy na serveri. Čoskoro som sa vrátiť, a dúfam, že budeme hrať spolu Všetko najlepšie
Jouhan Hi, I greet you warmly. Remember the good old days on the server. Soon I go back and I hope we play together All the best
Sure, but i have a little bit problem, my notebook (with all COOP work) had crushed, software was falling, need time to return.
...........( I greet all the fans RTCW. Olivia aka Angsthase
Olivia, you are the player, Angsthase, who used to frag on our RtCW Coop server?
Also, we rent our servers from Splatterladder, for about 6 Euros per month, so we can run all the RtCW Coop maps, including the custom ones.
Hi {WeB} * GANG$TA *. Yes, I played in the evenings with you in server NIGHTMARE as Angsthase . Greetings
Good to see you again, Olivia .