Topic: coop with the classes from multiplayer
So as announced in … 3049#p3049 I have been working on implementing a new gametype for rtcwcoop where you can play with the for classes from the multiplayer part of the game
I will use this topic to post some information about my progress.
Currently the following things are implemented:
- new gametype: classes (this forces the usage of flagpoles as spawnpoints)
- the four known classes: soldier, medic, engineer, lieutenant
* soldier is the only class that can use all the weapons, soldier can pick up all weapons but they don't have ammo, you need an LT for the ammopacks
* engineer is the only one that can pickup dynamites, there are no pliers yet (I'm thinking if I will implement this feature or not)
* medic can pickup medkits these boosts the medic chargetime, nobody else can pickup medkits, but they can pickup medpacks thrown by a medic, medic has a syringe and can revive you when you are wounded (like in multiplayer)
* LT can pickup ammo, this boosts his chargetime, nobody else can pickup ammo. Everybody can pickup ammopacks thrown by an LT (like in multiplayer), smoke grenade + airstrike works, binoculars + artillery works too.
* more medics means more health for everyone (like in multiplayer) and medics regenerate their health
- compass now shows objectives and spawnflags, and the engineer also can see where (s)he can find dynamite
- teamoverlay shows the class of your teammates like in MP, instead of the type of gun they have
- there is no limbo menu like in multiplayer but the ingame quickmenu (the menu that shows up when you press escape), has four buttons to switch class
- dynamites respawn (not the ones that you plant, but the ones that you have to pickup as an engineer), other items (ammo, weapons, healthpacks) don't
- weapon cycle is the same like in multiplayer (this only valid for the classes gametype)
- escape1 and tram have been modified a bit (by hardcoding some hacks in the code) which make you need an engineer + dynamite to advance
* in escape1 the floor that needs to be shot can now only be destroyed by a dynamite
* the second flagpole is moved to a secret area in escape1
* in tram the hatch that needs to be shot to enter the tunnel can now only be destroyed by a dynamite
Things I still want to do before I push my code to the public repository and beta(alpha) testing can begin:
- modify more maps to add a need for an engineer
- probably add pliers so the dynamite has to be armed, but this means that the AI has to be updated so it can disarm it again
- figure out a way to have some buttons that are needed to start some game mechanics (eg: the lever to start the trams) damaged by default and they can only be fixed by an engineer his/her pliers, like the mg42 in multiplayer that can be damaged
- AI should try to shoot wounded players so they cannot be revived again
and probably more